TI公司的UCC25600是高性能谐振模式控制器,开关频率40kHz到350kHz,提供完整的系统保护功能包括过流,UVLO,偏压电源OVP和超温保护,工作温度-40度C到125度C,主要用在AC/DC电源,电动自行车,LED照明,通信DC/DC模块,HDTV,低端洗衣机,有线调制解调器终端系统和太阳能系统.本文介绍了UCC25600主要特性和框图,300W LLC谐振半桥转换器应用电路以及400W高效电池充电器电源TIDA-00355主要特性和指标,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图和设计图.
The UCC25600 high performance, resonant mode controller is designed for dc-to-dc applications using resonant topologies, especially the LLC half-bridge resonant converter. This highly integrated controller implements frequency modulation control and complete system functions in only an 8-pin package. Switching to the UCC25600 will greatly simplify the system design and layout, and improve time to market, all at a price point lower than competitive 16-pin device offerings.