
Silabs EFM32ZG222 32位MCU应用开发方案

Silabs公司的EFM32HG322F64是基于32位ARM Cortex-M0+核的低功耗微控制器,工作频率高达24MHz,采用创新的低能耗技术,短叫醒时间,以及各种外设,非常适合用在以电池为能源的应用和高性能低功耗的系统.本文介绍了EFM32ZG222主要特性,框图,以及入门套件入门套件EFM32ZG-STK3200主要特性,框图和电路图.

The EFM32 MCUs are the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers. With a unique combinationof the powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+, innovative low energy techniques, short wake-up time fromenergy saving modes, and a wide selection of peripherals, the EFM32ZG microcontroller is well suitedfor any battery operated application as well as other systems requiring high performance and low-energyconsumption. This section gives a short introduction to each of the modules in general terms and alsoshows a summary of the configuration for the EFM32ZG222 devices. For a complete feature set and indepthinformation on the modules, the reader is referred to the EFM32ZG Reference Manual.


• ARM Cortex-M0+ CPU platform
• High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 24 MHz
• Wake-up Interrupt Controller
• Flexible Energy Management System
• 20 nA @ 3 V Shutoff Mode..

