Altera公司的MAX 10器件是单片非易失低成本可编逻辑器件(PLD),具有内部存储可配置的双闪存,用户闪存,集成了ADC,支持单片Nios II软件处理器,主要用在系统管理,I/O扩展,通信控制面板,汽车电子,工业控制和消费类电子产品.本文介绍了Altera® MAX® 10 FPGA主要优势,Altera® MAX® 10 FPGA开发套件主要特性,框图,元件分布图,电路图和主要元件表.
MAX® 10 devices are single-chip, non-volatile low-cost programmable logic devices (PLDs) to integrate the optimal set of system components.
The highlights of the MAX® 10 devices include:
Internally stored dual configuration flash
User flash memory
Instant on support
Integrated analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
Single-chipNios II soft core processor support
MAX® 10 devices are the ideal solution for system management, I/O expansion, communication control planes, industrial, automotive, and consumer applications.
Altera® MAX® 10 FPGA主要优势:
Supporting Feature
Simple and fast configuration
Secure on-die flash memory enables device configuration in less than 10 ms
Flexibility and integration