Infineon公司的XMC1200系列是基于ARMR Cortex™-M0的微控制器,集成了200kB闪存和应用特性如模拟比较器,亮度和色彩控制单元(BCCU),无闪烁调光硬件引擎和LED色彩控制,特别适合于LED照明.本文介绍了XMC1200主要特性和系统框图,采用XMC1200系列3路RGB LED智能照明系统框图以及XMC1200 CPU卡(CPU-12A-V1)和彩色LED卡的主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.
Reduction of carbon emissions and of energy footprint is not only a matter of efficient generation and transmission, it is rather a duty on every citizen to minimize and manage the consumption in every home. Infineon offers a wide range of products enabling an easy, reliable and cost-effective implementation of smart homes: from smart grid communication to smart metering to home area networks to intelligent appliances and smart plugs, to "zero standby power" digital power supply solutions.
XMC1000 customers benefit from a comprehensive setof common Analog-Mixed Signal, Timer/PWM and communicationperipherals. All powered by ARMR Cortex™-M0,addressing a broad application spectrum from typical 8-bitapplications up to digital power conversion and even fieldoriented motor control.