Microchip公司的计步器主要采用PIC16LF171X低功耗MCU和低功耗蓝牙模块RN4020 BLE,以及各种传感器,激励器,存储和加密器件等,能测量各种生命信号,能通过智能手机,平板电脑,PC和家庭保健集线器传送医疗机构,存储/发送数据。本文介绍了计步器/可穿戴活动跟踪器开发板主要特性,PIC16LF171X和RN4020 BLE主要特性,计步器演示板框图,固件流程图和电流图.
Wearable fitness and medical devices are becoming an integral part of personal fitness programs and health care delivery. These devices measure a broad range of vital signs, deliver medication, store/transmit data and sync with smartphones, tablets, PCs and home-health hubs. Wearable devices can include many combinations of sensors, actuators, storage and encryption depending on the needs of the user or patient.
图1 计步器应用演示图