
TI LMT70+MSP430F5529可穿戴设备温度传感器参考设计

TI的可穿戴设备温度传感器参考设计采用超小型高精度低功耗CMOS模拟温度传感器LMT70和超低功耗MCU MSP430F5529.LMT70的精度0.13C,小型的WCSP封装,具有很快的热响应时间,非常适合人体温度测量,很适合于用在可穿戴市场.

The LMT70 is an ultra-small, high-precision, low-power CMOS analog temperature sensor with an output enable pin. Applications for the LMT70 include virtually any type of temperature sensing where cost-effective, high precision and low-power are required, such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensor nodes, medical thermometers, high-precision instrumentation and battery powered devices. The LMT70 is also a great replacement for RTD and precision NTC/PTC thermistors.

Its output enable pin allows multiple LMT70s to share one ADC channel, thus simplifying ADC calibration and reducing the overall system cost for precision temperature sensing. The LMT70 also has a linear and low impedance output allowing seamless interface to an off-the-shelf MCU/ADC. Dissipating less than 36µW, the LMT70 has ultra-low self-heating supporting its high-precision over a wide temperature range.

