Silabs公司的SiM3C1xx系列是基于ARM Cortex-M3内核的32位MCU,是全集成的混合信号系统级芯片(SoC) MCU,最高工作频率80MHz,单周期乘法,支持硬件除法,集成了可在系统编程的32-256KB闪存,8-32KB SRAM和16路DMA控制器,模拟特性包括2个12位ADC,2个10位DAC,2个低电流比较器和2个电流/电压转换器,数字和通信接口包括2个USART和2个UART,3个SPI,2个I2C,I2S和16/32位CRC以及128/192/256位硬件AES加密.本文介绍了SiM3C1xx主要特性,框图, 标准开发平台(UDP)框图,以及SiM3C1xx MCU卡特性,电路图和材料清单.
The SiM3C1xx Precision32™ devices are fully integrated, mixed-signal system-on-a-chip MCUs.
32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M3 CPU
-80 MHz maximum frequency
-Single-cycle multiplication, hardware division support
-Nested vectored interrupt control (NVIC) with 16 priority levels
-32–256 kB Flash, in-system programmable
-8–32 kB SRAM (including 4 kB retention SRAM)
-16-channel DMA controller
-External bus interface supports up to 16 MB of external memory and a parallel LCD interface with QVGA resolution
Power Management
-Low drop-out (LDO) regulator
-Power-on reset circuit and brownout detectors
-5-to-3.3 V 150 mA regulator supports up to 5 V input supply
-Adjustable external regulator supports up to 3.6 V, 1000 mA
-Multiple power modes supported for low power optimization..