On Semi公司的NCL30085是AC/DC转换器电源PFC反激控制器,工作在准谐振模式以提供最佳效率.由于采用新颖控制方案,器件可从初级边调整恒定LED电流,使得外接元件最少,70/25/5%三级调光,主要用在LED灯泡和管,LED驱动器/电源以及LED照明引擎.本文介绍了NCL30085主要特性,功能框图, 典型应用电路图以及10 W高功率因素隔离LED驱动器评估板NCL30085/88FLYGEVB主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The NCL30085 is an AC-DC power factor corrected flyback controller targeting isolated and non−isolated buck-boost/SEPIC constant current LED drivers.The controller operates in a quasi−resonant mode to provide optimal efficiency. Thanks to a novel control method, the device is able to tightly regulate a constant LED current from the primary side. This removes the need for secondary side feedback circuitry, biasing and an optocoupler. The device is highly integrated with a minimum number of external components. A robust suite of safety protection is built in to simplify the design. This controller has integrated 3 step log dimming which allows an LED bulb or luminaire to be dimming from a standard wall switch. In addition to steps of 70% and 25% which are similar to a traditional 3 way lamp, one additional step of 5% current is included to support deep dimming applications.