
Microchip dsPIC33EV 5V CAN-LIN开发方案

Microchip公司的dsPIC33EVXXXGM00X系列是采用5V 70 MIPS dsPIC® DSC核的数字信号控制器(DSC),具有增强特性如CAN, SENT,高速PWM等外设和运放,误差修正码闪存等,支持32位乘法器,能用来控制BLDC,步进马达,交流电机,永磁电机,主要用在家用电器和汽车电子. 本文介绍了dsPIC33EVXXXGM00X主要特性,框图和CPU核框图,以及dsPIC33EV 5V CAN/LIN入门套件主要特性和电路图.

Microchip’s dsPIC33EV family of digital signal controllers (DSCs) features a 5V 70 MIPS dsPIC® DSC core with enhanced on-chip features and is ideal for operating in harsh environments such as appliances and automotive applications. The 5V dsPIC33EV family comes with rich peripheral integration which includes CAN, SENT, High Speed PWMs, OP Amps and Error Correcting Code Flash for increased reliability and safety. The dsPIC33EV family of devices enable the design of high-performance, precision motor control systems that are more energy efficient. They can be used to control BLDC, permanent magnet synchronous, AC induction and stepper motors. These devices are ideal for automotive applications and high-performance general  purpose applications. 

Operating Conditions
4.5V to 5.5V, -40℃ to +85℃, DC to 70 MIPS
4.5V to 5.5V, -40℃ to +125℃, DC to 60 MIPS..

