
Linear LTC2983精密数字温度测量系统方案

Linear公司的LTC2983是多个传感器高精度数字温度测量系统,测量精度℃或°F,精度0.1℃ ,分辨率0.001℃,单电源2.85V-5.25V工作,主要用于温度直接测量,RTD直接测量, 电热调节器直接测量和定制传感器应用.本文介绍了LTC2983主要特性,功能框图,应用电路以及演示板DC2296A主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

Multi-Sensor High Accuracy Digital Temperature Measurement System

The LTC2983 measures a wide variety of temperature sensors and digitally outputs the result, in ℃ or °F, with 0.1℃ accuracy and 0.001℃ resolution. The LTC2983 can measure the temperature of virtually all standard (type B,E, J, K, N, S, R, T) or custom thermocouples, automatically compensate for cold junction temperatures and linearize the results. The device can also measure temperature with standard 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTDs, thermistors, and diodes.

It has 20 reconfigurable analog inputs enabling many sensor connections and configuration options. The LTC2983 includes excitation current sources and fault detection circuitry appropriate for each type of temperature sensor.

