Cypress公司的CY8CPLC20是可编高压动力线通信(PLC) PSoC,集成了动力线调制解调器PHY和网络协议堆栈,采用功能强大的哈佛架构处理器M8C,速度高达成24MHz,有两个8x8乘法器和32位累加器,实现频移键控调制,波特率高达2400bps,是动力线通信(PLC)解决方案.本文介绍了CY8CPLC20主要特性,逻辑框图,PSoC核框图,数字和模拟系统框图,以及CY3274可编高压动力线通信(PLC)开发板主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The CY8CPLC20 is an integrated powerline communication (PLC) chip with the powerline modem PHY and network protocol stack running on the same device. Apart from the PLC core, the CY8CPLC20 also offers Cypress’s revolutionary PSoC technology that enables system designers to integrate multiple functions on the same chip.
Powerlines are available everywhere in the world and are a widely available communication medium for PLC technology. The pervasiveness of powerlines also makes it difficult to predict the characteristics and operation of PLC products. Because of the variable quality of powerlines around the world, implementing robust communication has been an engineering challenge for years. The Cypress PLC solution enables secure and reliable communications. Cypress PLC features that enable robust communication over powerlines include: