
NXP LPC81xM 32位ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU开发方案

NXP公司的LPC81xM系列产品是基于ARM Cortex-M0+内核的低成本32位MCU,CPU工作频率高达30MHz,支持高达16KB闪存和4KB SRAM,外设包括CRC引擎,I2C总线接口,多达三个UART,多达两个SPI接口,一个多速率定时器,自叫醒定时器和状态可配置的定时器,一个比较器,功能可配置的I/O端口和多达18个通用I/O引脚,主要用于照明, 消费类电子,马达控制,火警和安防和气候控制.本文介绍了LPCXpresso812 MAX主要特性和优势,框图, 评估板LPCXpresso812-MAX主要特性和电路图.

The LPC81xM are an ARM Cortex-M0+ based, low-cost 32-bit MCU family operating at CPU frequencies of up to 30 MHz. The LPC81xM support up to 16 kB of flash memory and 4 kB of SRAM.

The peripheral complement of the LPC81xM includes a CRC engine, one I2C-bus interface, up to three USARTs, up to two SPI interfaces, one multi-rate timer, self wake-up timer, and state-configurable timer, one comparator, function-configurable I/O ports through a switch matrix, an input pattern match engine, and up to 18 general-purpose I/O pins.

LPCXpresso812 MAX主要特性和优势:

 System:
 ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, running at frequencies of up to 30 MHz with single-cycle multiplier and fast single-cycle I/O port.
 ARM Cortex-M0+ built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
 System tick timer.
 Serial Wire Debug (SWD) and JTAG boundary scan modes supported...

