
Freescale Kinetis KEA128汽车光控制模块参考设计

Freescale公司的Kinetis KEA128系列产品是基于ARM Cortex-M0+内核的MCU,工作频率48MHz,单周期32位x32位乘法器,多达128KB闪存,256B EEPROM和16KB RAM,工作电压2.7V-5.5V,闪存写电压2.7V-5.5V,工作温度–40℃C 到+125℃,主要用在汽车娱乐连接模块,DC/BLDC马达控制,TPMS,电动摩托车CDI/EFI,电池管理,泵/风扇控制,窗/门/天窗控制,BCM/HVAC和座位/雨刷控制等.本文介绍了Kinetis KEA128主要特性和框图,以及汽车光控制模块KEA128LEDLIGHTRD主要特性,框图和电路图.

Kinetis EA series MCUs for automotive provide cost-effective ARM®-based solution for a wide range of automotive applications and are pin-compatible across the Kinetis EA series and with future Kinetis automotive families.

This series includes a set of analog, communication, timing and control peripherals with varying flash memory size and pin count. These scalable devices are highly robust, and offer an enhanced ESD/EMC performance solution for cost-sensitive automotive applications. This series is supported by development tools, software and hardware references to help you quickly start designing.

Kinetis KEA128主要特性:

Operating Characteristics
• Voltage range: 2.7 to 5.5 V
• Flash write voltage range: 2.7 to 5.5 V
• Temperature range (ambient): –40℃ to +125℃
• Up to 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ core..

