
TI TPS23861四端口以太网供电设备(PSE)控制方案

TI公司的TPS23861是容易使用的以太网IEEE802.3a供电设备 (PSE)解决方案,不需要外接元件能自动管理四个802.3at端口.可以自动检测受电设备 (PD)和分类,满足IEEE 400-ms TPON 标准,主要用在以太网交换和路由器,住宅区网关,PoE传递系统,无线回传, 监测NVR和DVR等.本文介绍了TPS23861主要特性,框图和功能框图,多种应用电路,以及评估模块TPS23861EVM-612主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The TPS23861 is an easy-to-use, flexible, IEEE802.3at PSE solution. As shipped, it automatically manages four 802.3at ports without the need for any external control.

The TPS23861 automatically detects Powered Devices (PDs) that have a valid signature, determines power requirements according to classification and applies power. Two-event classification is supported for type-2 PDs. The TPS23861 supports DC disconnection and the external FET architecture allows designers to balance size, efficiency and solution cost requirements.

The unique pin-out enables 2-layer PCB designs via logical grouping and clear upper and lower differentiation of I2C and power pins. This delivers best-in-class thermal performance, Kelvin accuracy and low-build cost.

