
NXP PCA9629A步进马达控制解决方案

NXP公司的PCA9629A是I2C总线控制的低功耗CMOS器件,为驱动四相步进马达提供了所需的所有逻辑和控制特性.四个平衡的推挽输出可提供25 mA电流,无缝连接到外接大电流驱动器.高达1000pF负载和100 ns上升和下降时间,内置1MHz振荡器不需要外接元件,主要用于消费类家用电器或玩具,工业自动化,HVAC和建筑物环境控制系统,变速风扇和泵,零售终端,游戏机等.本文介绍了PCA9629A主要特性和优势,框图和步进马达控制框图,以及OM13285步进马达控制板Rev. 2.2电路图.

The PCA9629A is an I2C-bus controlled low-power CMOS device that provides all the logic and control required to drive a four phase stepper motor. PCA9629A is intended to be used with external high current drivers to drive the motor coils. The PCA9629A supports three stepper motor drive formats: one-phase (wave drive), two-phase, and half-step. In addition, when used as inputs, four General Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs) allow sensing of logic level output from optical interrupter modules and generate active LOW interrupt signal on the INT pin of PCA9629A. This is a useful feature in sensing home position of motor shaft or reference for step pulses. Upon interrupt, the PCA9629A can be programmed to automatically stop the motor, re-start motor, enable extra steps or reverse the direction of rotation of motor.

