
TI RF430F5978低功耗RF MCU开发方案

TI公司的RF430F5978是基于CC430产品系列的低功耗RF MCU,是一种高度集成的RF解决方案.它提升了读取区和电池的性能,适合超低功耗应用.器件包括一个3D低频(LF)唤醒及应答器接口,一个集成式1GHz RF收发器和一个可编程MSP430™内核.该LF应答器甚至可在无电池供电的情况下运行.128位AES安全加密与解密协处理器添加了先进的安全保障功能,适用于数据保护,工作电压3.6V,可低至1.8V工作, 非常适合低功耗RF应用,如无线传感器网络,数据记录仪,有源应答器,远程监控系统,集装箱跟踪,存取控制和设备控制与管理系统.本文介绍了RF430F5978主要特性和框图, LF接口框图, <1GHz无线电框图,典型应用电路图,以及评估模块RF430F5978EVM主要特性,框图和电路图.

The Texas Instruments RF430F5978 System in Package adds a 3D low frequency (LF) wake-up and transponder interface to the CC430 ultra-low-power microcontroller system-on-chip (SoC) with integrated sub-1-GHz RF transceiver. This architecture allows activation and de-activation of the device in a dedicated and well-defined area "on-demand" to achieve extended battery life for the whole system. The embedded LF transponder interface is always functional even without battery supply and offers the highest level of security through its 128-bit AES encryption for challenge/response and mutual authentication, and it also adds 2kB of programmable EEPROM memory to the system.

