
ST STM32F072 ARM Cortex-M0 32位MCU解决方案

ST公司的STM32F072是高性能基于 ARM Cortex-M0 32位RISC内核的MCU,工作频率高达48MHz,具有高速嵌入存储器(高达128KB的闪存和16KB SRAM)以及各种增强性外设和I/O,提供标准的通信接口,USB全速器件,CAN,12位ADC和12位DAC以及7个通用16位计时器,32位计时器和高端控制PWM定时器,主要用在应用控制和用户接口,手持社,A/V接收器和数字TV,PC外设,游戏和GPS平台,PLC,逆变器,打印机,扫描仪,告警系统视频互连和HVAC.本文介绍了STM32F072xx 主要特性,框图, 评估板STM32072B-EVAL主要特性,框图,元件布局图,电路图和材料清单.

The STM32F072xx microcontrollers incorporate the high-performance ARM Cortex™-M0 32-bit RISC core operating at a 48 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories (up to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory and 16 Kbytes of SRAM), and an extensive range of enhanced peripherals and I/Os. All devices offer standard communication interfaces (two I2Cs, two SPIs/I2S, one HDMI CEC and four USARTs), one USB Full speed device (crystal-less), one CAN, one 12-bit ADC, one 12-bit DAC with two channels, seven general-purpose 16-bit timers, a 32-bit timer and an advanced-control PWM timer.

The STM32F072xx microcontrollers operate in the -40 to +85 ℃ and -40 to +105 ℃ temperature ranges from a 2.0 to 3.6 V power supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving modes allows the design of low-power applications.

