
Zilog Z16FMC马达控制解决方案

Zilog公司的Z16FMC系列是16位RISC闪存马达控制微控制器,采用ZNEO® CPU核,集成了多达128KB在电路中编程的闪存,以及运放,模拟比较器,精密振荡器,4路DMA控制器和12位PWM模块等外设以及灵活的通信接口如9位UART和LIN & IrDA, I2C, ESPI等,主要用在大量家用电器,HVAC和工业设备.本文介绍了Z16FMC 系列闪存微控制器主要特性和框图, 设计架构图以及ZNEO® CPU核主要特性, Z16FMC系列马达控制开发套件框图, MC MDS模块主要特性,元件布局图和电路图以及三相马达控制应用板主要特性, 元件布局图和电路图.

Zilog’s Z16FMC Series MCU, a part of the Flash Motor Control family of devices, is a powerful 16‐bit CISC microcontroller that outperforms most RISC microcontrollers in its class. The Z16FMC boasts a unique architecture that provides the power, punch and performance of a 32‐bit micro with the code, current efficiency and cost of a 16‐bit. The Z16FMC features Zilog’s ZNEO® CPU, which boasts a highly‐optimized instruction set that achieves higher performance per clock cycle with less code space and lower overhead than competing architectures. Optimized for motor control applications, these devices are designed for the control of multiphase AC and DC variable‐speed motors. Target applications are large appliances, HVAC and industrial.

