
ADI ADP1851 25A DC-DC降压电源解决方案

ADI 公司的ADP1851是宽输入电压同步降压控制器,输入电压从2.75V到20V,输出电压从0.6 V 到90% VIN,输出电流大于25A,输出电压可跟踪,在整个温度范围内精度为±1%,可编程频率200 kHz 到1.5 MHz,可编软起动,主要用在通信基站和网络,工业和仪表,医疗和保健.本文介绍了ADP1851主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路,电压和电流模式输出25A应用电路图,以及评估板ADP1851-EVALZ主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The ADP1851 is a wide range input, dc-to-dc, synchronous buck controller capable of running from commonly used 3.3 V to 12 V (up to 20 V) voltage inputs. The device nominally operates in current mode with valley current sensing providing the fastest step response for digital loads. It can also be config-ured as a voltage mode controller with low noise and crosstalk for sensitive loads.

The ADP1851 is ideal in system applications requiring multiple output voltages. The ADP1851 includes a synchronization feature to eliminate beat frequencies between switching devices. It also provides accurate tracking capability between supplies and includes precision enable and power-good functions for simple, robust sequencing.

