ST公司的STEVAL-ISV006V2是采用SPV1040的5W太阳能电池充电器,是高效率的DC/DC转换器,嵌入了MPPT算法,输入电压可低至0.3V,输入反相极性保护.而SPV1040的输入电压从0.3V到本世纪5.5V,具有140 mΩ同步整流器和120 mΩ电源开关,固定的100kHz PWM频率,效率高达成95%,主要用在智能手机和GPS系统,小型电器和传感器,PMP,数码相机,玩具和手提保健设备.本文介绍了SPV1040主要特性,方框图,应用电路以及评估板STEVAL-ISV006V2主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.
The SPV1040 device is a low power, low voltage, monolithic step-up converter with an input voltage range from 0.3 V to 5.5 V, and is capable of maximizing the energy generated by even a single solar cell (or fuel cell), where low input voltage handling capability is extremely important.
Thanks to the embedded MPPT algorithm, even under varying environmental conditions (such as irradiation, dirt, temperature) the SPV1040 offers maximum efficiency in terms of power harvested from the cells and transferred to the output.
The device employs an input voltage regulation loop, which fixes the charging battery voltage via a resistor divider. The maximum output current is set with a current sense resistor according to charging current requirements.