
ADI AD9739A FMC卡和Xilinx SP605参考设计方案

ADI公司的AD9739A FMC卡是Xilinx SP605, ML605或KC705评估板的子板.两者组成的平台能把MPEG TS流转换成IF或RF信号(单路或多路),并支持大多数数字电视标准(DVB-C,J.83B, DVB-T, ATSC, DVB-S, ...),并可用来评估多种IP核如DVB-C J.83 Annex A/C 调制器,J.83 B有线调制器,DVB-T/H调制器, ATSC调制器,DVB-S调制器等. 主要用在MVD IP核(TS处理,调制,RF上变换).本文介绍了AD9737A/AD9739A产品亮点和主要特性,功能框图以及ADI AD9739A FMC卡+ Xilinx SP605评估平台框图,主要特性和ADI AD9739A FMC评估板电路图.

The AD9737A/AD9739A are 11-bit and 14-bit, 2.5 GSPS high performance RF DACs that are capable of synthesizing wideband signals from dc up to 3 GHz. The AD9737A/AD9739A are pin and functionally compatible with the AD9739 with the exception that the AD9737A/AD9739A do not support synchronization or RZ mode, and are specified to operate between 1.6 GSPS and 2.5 GSPS.

By elimination of the synchronization circuitry, some nonideal artifacts such as images and discrete clock spurs remain stationary on the AD9737A/AD9739A between power-up cycles, thus allowing for possible system calibration. AC linearity and noise performance remain the same between the AD9739 and the AD9737A/AD9739A.

