ZMDI公司的ZSSC1856是集成了嵌入式MCU的双路ADC,有两个芯片组成,PQFN32 5x5mm封装.系统基本芯片(SBC)包含了高压电路,LIN收发器以及包括外设,18位ΣΔ-ADC,数字滤波在内的确模拟输入级.MCU芯片包括MCU核,存储器和一些外设.MCU和SBC的通信由SPI接口处理.正常模式的电流为10mA-20mA,低功耗模式小于100uA,主要用在汽车的智能电池检测,需要精密电池的工业和医疗应用.本文介绍了ZSSC1856主要特性,方框图,SBC数字部分和MCU部分方框图以及典型应用电路.
The ZSSC1856 is a dual-channel ADC with an em-bedded microcontroller for battery sensing/management in automotive, industrial, and medical systems.
The ZSSC1856 consists of two silicon dies in one package. The dies are assembled as stacked dies in a PQFN32 5x5mm package. The System Basis Chip (SBC) contains the high voltage circuits, the analog input stage including peripheral blocks, the ΣΔ-ADCs, the digital filtering, and the LIN-transceiver. The microcontroller chip (MCU) contains the microcontroller core, memories, and some peripheral blocks. Communication between the MCU and the SBC is handled by an SPI interface. Internal nodes connecting the MCU and the SBC (i.e., TXD, RXD, IRQN, CSN, SPI_CLK, MOSI, MISO, MCU_CLK, MCU_RSTN, and RAM_PROTN) are controlled by firmware. Users can access the internal nodes via the LIN interface and/or external JTAG pins (i.e., TDO, TDI, TRSTN, TMS, and TCK).