
Infineon ICE2QS03G 36W准谐振反激电源解决方案

Infineon公司的ICE2QS03G 是准谐振PWM控制器,开关频率随负载的降低而降低,使得整个系统的效率大大提高,突发模式使待机的功耗超低,内置了数字软起动,并具有过压/欠压以及开路和过载保护与自动重起模式,主要用于LCD TV,CRT TV和笔记本电脑适配器的离线开关电源.本文介绍了ICE2QS03G产品亮点和主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路,36W评估板ICE2QS03G36W主要指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

ICE2QS03G is a quasi-resonant PWM controller optimized for off-line switch power supply applications such as LCD TV, CRT TV and notebook adapter. The digital frequency reduction with decreasing load enables a quasi-resonant operation till very low load. As a result, the overall system efficiency is significantly improved compared to other conventional solutions. The active burst mode operation enables an ultra-low power consumption at standby mode with small and controllable output voltage ripple. Based on the BiCMOS technology, the product has a wide operation range (up to 26V) of IC power supply and lower power consumption. The numerous protection functions give a full protection of the power supply system in failure situations. All of these make the ICE2QS03G an outstanding controller for quasi-resonant flyback converter in the market.


• Active burst mode for low standby power

