ST公司的STEVAL-ISV001V1是采用STP160N75F3的1 kW太阳能逆变器解决方案,输入电压20 V到28 V,交流正弦波输出电压230 Vrms( 50 Hz),输出功率1kW,效率90%,DC/DC转换部分开关频率100kHz,DC/AC部分开关频率16kHz.本文介绍了离线UPS系统方框图,PV转换中的DC/AC转换器方框图以及STEVAL-ISV001V1评估板主要指标,方框图,电路图,材料清单和1 KW逆变器PCB元件布局图.
In a UPS system, a DC-AC converter is always used to convert the DC power from the batteries to AC power used to supply the load. The basic scheme also includes a battery pack, a battery charger which converts AC power from the grid into DC power, and a transfer switch to supply the load from the mains or from the energy storage elements if a line voltage drop or failure occurs.图1.离线UPS系统方框图