ST 公司的MP34DT01是超小型低功耗全方位数字MEMS麦克风,具有容性传感元件和IC接口,单电源工作,声学过载点120 dBSPL,信噪比63dB,全方位灵敏度,灵敏度-26dBFC,PDM输出,主要用在手机,笔记本电脑,手持媒体播放器(PMP),VoIP,语音识别,数码相机和摄像机,防盗系统等.本文介绍了MP34DT01主要特性,以及采用MP34DT01和STM32 MCU的STEVAL-MKI117V1演示板主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.
The MP34DT01 is an ultra-compact, low-power,omnidirectional, digital MEMS microphone built with a capacitive sensing element and an IC interface.
The sensing element, capable of detecting acoustic waves, is manufactured using a specialized silicon micromachining process dedicated to produce audio sensors.
The IC interface is manufactured using a CMOS process that allows designing a dedicated circuit able to provide a digital signal externally in PDM format.
The MP34DT01 has an acoustic overload point of 120 dBSPL with a 63 dB signal-to-noise ratio and –26 dBFS sensitivity.
The MP34DT01 is available in a top-port, SMDcompliant, EMI-shielded package and is guaranteed to operate over an extended temperature range from -30℃ to +70℃.
■ Single supply voltage
■ Low power consumption
■ 120 dBSPL acoustic overload point
■ 63 dB signal-to-noise ratio