
ADI ADAU1373低功耗立体声CODEC解决方案

ADI公司的ADAU1373是低功耗立体声CODEC,集成了数字音频处理,支持立体声48kHz录音和播放,立体声ADC和DAC支持取样速率从8kHz到48kHz以及数字音量控制,带PGA的八个单端或四个差分输入提供增益从-12dB到+18dB.48kHz和1.8V录音功耗7mW,播放功耗6mW,主要用在手机,平板电脑,电子书,手持媒体播放器.本文介绍了ADAU1373主要特性,方框图, 立体声D类应用电路图以及ADAU1373评估板电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The ADAU1373 is a low power, stereo audio codec with integrated digital audio processing that supports stereo 48 kHz record and playback. The stereo audio ADCs and DACs support sampling rates from 8 kHz to 48 kHz, as well as a digital volume control.

Eight single-ended or four differential analog inputs with PGAs are provided for adjusting the gain from −12 dB to +18 dB. They can be configured for microphones or line level signals.

