
TI Stellaris LM3S2616 RDK-BDC24 BLDC马达控制方案

TI 公司的Stellaris LM3S2616是基于ARM Cortex-M3内核的32位MCU,具有32位RISC性能,有多种外设如UART,CAN等,工作频率50MHz,设计用于工业应用包括遥控,电子POS机,测试和测量设备,网络设备和交换,工厂自动化,HVAC和建筑物控制,游戏设备,运动控制,医疗仪器以及消防和安全.本文介绍了 LM3S2616主要特性,方框图,RDK-BDC24 BLDC马达控制板主要特性和指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The Stellaris?family of microcontrollers he first ARM?Cortex?M3 based controllers rings high-performance 32-bit computing to cost-sensitive embedded microcontroller applications. These pioneering parts deliver customers 32-bit performance at a cost equivalent to legacy 8- and 16-bit devices, all in a package with a small footprint.

The Stellaris family offers efficient performance and extensive integration, favorably positioning the device into cost-conscious applications requiring significant control-processing and connectivity capabilities. The Stellaris LM3S2000 series, designed for Controller Area Network (CAN) applications, extends the Stellaris family with Bosch CAN networking technology, the golden standard in short-haul industrial networks. The Stellaris LM3S2000 series also marks the first integration of CAN capabilities with the revolutionary Cortex-M3 core.

