
Embest ST STM32F103ZE ARM-CM3嵌入式评估方案

Embest公司的STM32F103ZE ARM Cortex-M3嵌入式评估板采用ST公司的STM32F103ZE处理器,工作频率72MHz.评估板集成了USB, CAN, SD卡接口, TFT-LCD, RS232串口,四个26引脚的用户扩展接口以及512KB闪存和64KB SRAM等,主要用于马达驱动,工业控制,医疗手持设备,PC和游戏机外设,GPS平台,PLC,逆变器,打印机,扫描仪,告警系统和HVAC.本文介绍了STM32F103ZE主要特性,方框图,功能模块图和ARM-CM3评估板电路图.

The STM32F103ZE is an ARM embedded evaluation board produced by Embest, integrate the STMicroelectronic ARM Cortex-M3 core-based processor STM32F103ZE, operating at a 72 MHz frequency. The board features USB, CAN, SD Card interface, TFT-LCD, RS232 serial interface, four 26-pin user extended interface, etc. Plenty of software examples, which can be used in Keil MDK environment, are accompanied in CDROM.

Internal memory: 512KB Flash, 64KB SRAM.

External memory: 128KB SRAM, 8M byte SPI Flash, 2MB NOR FLASH, 128MB NAND FLASH

uCOS-II v2.86 ported

Source code of example program

STM32F103ZE ARM-CM3 Board

