ST公司的STEVAL-IHM036V1低功率马达控制板采用小型低损耗智能模块(SLLIMM) STGIPN3H60和MCU STM32F100C6T6B,能产生驱动三相永磁同步马达(PMSM)的三相波形,不需要传感器,最大输出功率100W.主要用在家庭热水泵,洗碗机马达,冰箱压缩机和高端风扇.本文介绍了STGIPN3H60主要特性,方框图和典型应用电路,以及STEVAL-IHM036V1 100W马达控制板主要特性, 马达控制系统架构图和电源框图, 马达控制板电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.
This intelligent power module STGIPN3H60 implements a compact, high performance AC motor drive in a simple, rugged design. It is composed of six IGBTs with freewheeling diodes and three halfbridge HVICs for gate driving, providing low electromagnetic interference (EMI) characteristics with optimized switching speed. The package is optimized for thermal performance and compactness in built-in motor applications, or other low power applications where assembly space is limited. This IPM includes an operational amplifier, completely uncommitted, and a comparator that can be used to design a fast and efficient protection circuit. SLLIMM™ is a trademark of STMicroelectronics.
■ IPM 3 A, 600 V, 3-phase IGBT inverter bridge including control ICs for gate driving and freewheeling diodes
■ Optimized for low electromagnetic interference
■ VCE(sat) negative temperature coefficient