Freescale公司的MC1323x 系列是2.4GHz低成本ZigBee SoC平台,符合IEEE® 802.15.4标准,集成了完整的低功耗2.4GHz RF收发器和Tx/Rx开关,8位HCS08 CPU和一组MCU外设.器件支持5.0MHz通路的250kbps O-QPSK数据,RF输出功率从+2dBm到-30dBm,接收灵敏度优于-94dBm.主要用在消费类,医疗保健和工业领域的无线应用.本文介绍了MC1323x系列主要特性, 简化框图, 基本应用电路图以及1323x 开发硬件平台主要特性,以及三个子板即1323x-MRB参考板,1323x-RCM遥控主板和1323x-REM遥控扩展主板主要特性,方框图,电路图和相应用材料清单.
The MC1323x family is Freescale’s low cost System-on-Chip (SoC) platform for the IEEE® 802.15.4 Standard that incorporates a complete, low power, 2.4 GHz radio frequency transceiver with Tx/Rx switch, an 8-bit HCS08 CPU, and a functional set of MCU peripherals into a 48-pin LGA package. This family of products is targeted for wireless RF remote control and other cost-sensitive applications ranging from home TV and entertainment systems such as ZigBee BeeStack Consumer (RF4CE) to low cost, low power, IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee end nodes. The MC1323x is a highly integrated solution, with very low power consumption.