
Fairchild FAN302HL 5W手机充电器解决方案

Fairchild公司的FAN302HL是高度集成的PWM控制器,采用mWSaver™技术,提供业界最好的待机功耗,低于10mW,远低于能源之星的30mW要求.固定的PWM频率85kHz和跳频技术解决了EMI问题.主要用在手机,无绳电话,PDA和数码相机以及电动工具等的电池充电器.本文介绍了FAN302HL主要特性,方框图, 反激转换器电路图, 典型应用电路图以及采用FAN302HL的5V / 1A PSR手机电池充电器主要指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.

FAN302HL: mWSaver™ PWM Controller for Low Standby Power Battery-Charger Applications

This highly integrated PWM controller, FAN302HL, provides several features to enhance the performance of general flyback converters. The constant-current control, proprietary topology enables simplified circuit designs without secondary feedback circuitry for batterycharger applications. A proprietary Burst-Mode function with low operation current minimizes standby power consumption.

The FAN302HL controller also provides several protections. Cycle-by-cycle current limiting ensures the fixed peak current limit level, even if a short circuit occurs. The gate output is clamped at 15V to protect the power MOS from high gate-source voltage conditions. If either VS OVP or internal OTP is triggered, the circuit enters Latch Mode until AC power is removed.

