
TI UCC28810 110W离线LED照明解决方案

TI公司的UCC28810和UCC28811是通用照明电源控制器,能以临界导通模式控制反激,降压或升压转换器,集成了用于反馈误差处理的跨导电压放大器,参考电流发生器,电流检测(PWM)比较器,PWM逻辑和用来驱动外接FET的图腾柱驱动器.主要用在HB LED照明,工业,商业和住宅区照明以及室外照明.本文介绍了UCC28810/1主要特性, 方框图, 简化应用电路图以及110W离线AC/DC LED驱动器UCC28810EVM-003主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.

The UCC28810 and UCC28811 are general lighting power controllers for low to medium power lumens applications requiring power factor correction and EMC compliance. It is designed for controlling a flyback, buck or boost converter operating in critical conduction mode. It features a transconductance voltage amplifier for feedback error processing, a simple current reference generator for generating a current command proportional to the input voltage, a current-sense (PWM) comparator, PWM logic and a totem-pole driver for driving an external FET.

In the critical conduction mode operation, the PWM circuit is self-oscillating with the turn-on being governed by a transformer zero energy detector (TZE pin) and the turn-off being governed by the current sense comparator.


Transition Mode Controller for Low Implementation Cost of AC Input LED Lighting Applications

