
Microchip MCP3903六路模拟前端解决方案

Microchip 公司的MCP3903是六路模拟前端(AFE),包括三对同步取样的16位/24位Delta-Sigma ADC,相位补偿区块,基准电压和高速10MHz SPI兼容的串行接口。每路的SINAD为91dB,THD为-100dBc,SFDR为102dB,可编程数据速率高达64ksps,任何两路的串扰为-115dB,关断模式电流小于2uA,主要用在电表和电源管理,手提仪表。医疗和电源监视。本文介绍了MCP3903主要特性,方框图,以及MCP3903 16位MCU评估板主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图。

The MCP3903 is a six-channel Analog Front End (AFE) containing three pairs made out of two synchronous sampling Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) with PGA, a phase delay compensation block, internal voltage reference, and high-speed 10 MHz SPI compatible serial interface. The converters contain a proprietary dithering algorithm for reduced idle tones and improved THD.

The internal register map contains 24-bit wide ADC data words, a modulator output register as well as six 24-bit writable control registers to program gain, over-sampling ratio, phase, resolution, dithering, shut-down, reset and several communication features.

