TI 公司的CC1120是 全集成的868/915MHz单片无线电收发器,主要用在窄带超低功耗无线系统,无线计量和无线智能电网(AMR和AMI),IEEE 802.15.4g系统,家庭和建筑物自动化,工业控制,无线保健,无线传感器网络和有源RFID,私人移动无线电等。本文介绍了CC1120开发套件主要特性和组成,SmartRF收发器评估板(TrxEB)主要特性,和EM连接图,SmartRF TrxEB架构图以及SmartRF TrxEB 1.3.0和1.5.0电路图。
The CC1120 development kit provides a complete hardware performance testing and software development platform for TI’s Sub-1 GHz Performance Line devices. The development kit comes with a pre-programmed packet error rate test. RF range and robustness can be tested with different RF settings, and power consumption can be measured easily. This kit supports 868MHz and 915MHz. Additionald Evaluation Module Kits can be purchased separately to support other frequencies.