TI公司的DRV8301是用于三相马达的栅极驱动器,包括三个半桥驱动器(每个可驱动两个N沟MOSFET),一个用于高边和一个用于低边的驱动器.支持2.3A沉电流和1.7A源峰值电流,单电源8V-60V工作,支持100%占空比.对外接MOSFET可编程过流保护,主要用在三相无刷DC马达和永磁同步马达,CPAP和泵,电动自行车,医院病床,轮椅以及电钻, 搅拌机和切碎机.本文介绍了DRV8301主要特性, 方框图, 应用案例电路图以及DRV8301-HC-C2-KIT评估板主要特性和马达驱动和控制解决方案框图.
The DRV8301 is a gate driver IC for three phase motor drive applications. It provides three half bridge drivers, each capable of driving two N-type MOSFETs, one for the high-side and one for the low side. It supports up to 2.3A sink and 1.7A source peak current capability and only needs a single power supply with a wide range from 8 to 60V. The DRV8301 uses bootstrap gate drivers with trickle charge circuitry to support 100% duty cycle. The gate driver uses automatic hand shaking when high side FET or low side FET is switching to prevent current shoot through. Vds of FETs is sensed to protect external power stage during overcurrent conditions.
The DRV8301 includes two current shunt amplifiers for accurate current measurement.
Operating Supply Voltage 8V–60V
2.3A Sink and 1.7A Source Gate Drive Current Capability