
Maxim MAX17039三相IMVP7 CPU内核电源评估方案

Maxim公司的MAX17039是具有双输出降压的固定导通时间的三相控制器,用于VR12/IMVP7 CPU和GPU内核电源.其中的CPU稳压器A采用三相固定导通时间架构,而GPU稳压器B是单相的固定导通时间架构.输入电压4.5V 到26V,可编程的100kHz到 600kHz开关频率, VOUT对线路,负载和温度变化的精度为± 0.4%,具有输出过压保护(OVP),欠压保护(UVP)和热保护特性,主要用于笔记本/台式电脑和服务器以及VR12/IMVP7 CPU核电源.本文介绍了MAX17039主要特性和MAX17039评估板主要特性,电路图和元件布局图.

3-Phase Controller Supports All Required IMVP7 Functions

The MAX17039 is a dual-output, step-down, constant-on-time controller for VR12/IMVP7 CPU core supplies. The controller consists of two high-current-switching power supplies for the CPU and GPU cores. The CPU regulator (regulator A) is a three-phase constant-on-time architecture. The optional third phase is configured with an external MAX17491 driver. The second GPU regulator (regulator B) is also a constant-on-time architecture with only single phase.

