
Freescale TWR-WIFI-AR4100低功耗2.4GHz无线连接方案

Freescale公司的TWR-WIFI-AR4100是802.11n Wi-Fi超低功耗模块,采用Tower System可使物联网具有802.11n Wi-Fi 连接性,工作频率2.4GHz,网络标准包括802.11b, 802.11g和802.11n,模块集成了MAC/BB/RF/PA/LNA,硬件加密有WEP,WPA/WPA2,WAPI SPI通信接口.该模块能和Tower System的其它MCU和外设模块一起使用.本文介绍了AR4100主要技术指标,方框图和TWR-WIFI-AR4100模块主要特性,方框图,电路图和材料清单.

TWR-WIFI-AR4100: Tower System 802.11n Wi-Fi Module

Do you need an ultra-low power, easy wireless solution? The TWR-WIFI-AR4100 peripheral module enables the Internet of Things with 802.11n Wi-Fi connectivity using the Freescale Tower System. This fully FCC & CE-certified Atheros "System-in-Package" module comes with MQX software and enables you to quickly go from the lab to production with the same Wi-Fi hardware module.

The on-board Atheros silicon features easy to use wireless for the whole home and pre-certification will save you time and money getting your product to market. This peripheral module is designed to be combined and used with other microcontroller and peripheral modules in the Tower System.


Low energy and low system resource requirements

Integrated RF front end, RF shield, 32kHz sleep clock, and system clock

