Supertex公司的HV7355是八路单极高压高速超声波脉冲发生器,输出电压0V-150V,源和沉电流为±1.5A,连续波模式±300mA,高达18MHz工作频率,2.5V-3.3V CMOS逻辑接口,主要用在手提超声波图像仪,压电传感器驱动器,NDT超声波发送器和脉冲波形发生器.本文介绍了HV7355主要特性, 典型应用电路以及150V/1.5A单极超声波脉冲器演示板HV7355DB1主要特性, 方框图和电路图.
Eight Channel, High Speed, Unipolar, Ultrasound Pulser 1.5A 150V
The Supertex HV7355 is an eight-channel, unipolar, high voltage, high-speed pulse generator. It is designed for medical ultrasound applications. This high voltage and high speed integrated circuit can also be used for other piezoelectric, capacitive or MEMS sensors in ultrasonic nondestructive detection and sonar ranger applications.
The HV7355 consists of a controller logic interface circuit, level translators, MOSFET gate drivers and high current P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs as the output stage for each channel.