Atmel公司MSL4163/MSL4164是电视机直接背光LED驱动器.MSL4164具有20MHz SPI总线,每串LED的电流为100mA,电流精度和匹配度优于3%,可驱动16x10个白光LED,16个器件级联可驱动高达2560个白光LED.而MSL4163提供1MHz I2C串口.器件包括先进的PWM引擎,以及片上EEPROM等,主要用在电视和台式电脑监视器,医疗和工业仪表,汽车音/视频显示器.本文介绍了MSL4163/MSL4164主要特性,方框图和典型应用电路,级联连接电路.
The Atmel mSilica MSL4164 compact, high-power LED string driver uses internal current control MOSFETs to sink up to 100mA per string, with current accuracy and matching better than 3%. The MSL4164 drive 16 parallel strings of 10 white LEDs each, for a total of 160 white LEDs per device. Sixteen interconnected devices control up to 2560 white LEDs.
The MSL4164 features a 20MHz SPI bus, and the MSL4163 offers a 1MHz I2C serial interface. Both interfaces support video frame-by-frame LED string intensity control for up to 16 interconnected devices to allow active area dimming. The devices include an advanced PWM engine that easily synchronizes to a video signal, and per-string phase adjustment to reduce unwanted LCD artifacts such as motion blur. Additionally, an on-chip EEPROM allows the power-up defaults to be customized through the serial interface.