
ADI AD7193过程控制模拟前端CN0209解决方案

ADI公司的AD7193是具有PGA的4路4.8kHz超低噪音24位Sigma-Delta ADC,RMS噪音为11 nV @ 4.7 Hz (gain = 128),失调漂移为±5 nV/℃ ,增益漂移为±1 ppm/℃,工作电压3V-5.25V,主要应用在PLC/DCS模拟输入模块,数据采集和应力仪传感器。本文介绍了AD7193主要特性,功能方框图,基本的连接框图,流量计的典型应用电路图以及过程控制应用的全编程通用模拟前端(CN0209)简化电路图和EVAL-CN0209-SDPZ评估板电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图。

The AD7193 is a low noise, complete analog front end for high precision measurement applications. It contains a low noise, 24-bit sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The on-chip low noise gain stage means that signals of small amplitude can interface directly to the ADC.

The device can be configured to have four differential inputs or eight pseudo differential inputs. The on-chip channel sequencer allows several channels to be enabled simultaneously, and the AD7193 sequentially converts on each enabled channel, simplifying communication with the part. The on-chip 4.92 MHz clock can be used as the clock source to the ADC or, alternatively, an external clock or crystal can be used. The output data rate from the part can be varied from 4.7 Hz to 4.8 kHz.

