
ADI ADu706x高性能热电耦温度监视方案

ADI公司的ADu706x是全集成8kSPS取样速率24位数据采集系统,包括了高性能多路Sigma-Delta (Σ-Δ)模数转换器(ADC),16位/32位ARM7TDMI® MCU以及闪存/电可改写(EE)存储器.ADC具有2个差分对或4个单端通路,PGA(1-512)输入级,可选择输入范围从±2.34 mV 到 ±1.2 V,噪音30nV rms,主要用在工业自动化和过程控制,智能的精密的传感系统,基于4mA-20mA的智能传感器.本文介绍了ADuC706x主要特性,方框图和模拟方框图,以及采用精密模拟微控制器ADu7061/ADu7062的基于USB带冷结点补偿的热电耦温度监视器的应用电路和材料清单.

The ADuC706x series are fully integrated, 8 kSPS, 24-bit data acquisition systems incorporating high performance multichannel sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), 16-bit/ 32-bit ARM7TDMI® MCU, and Flash/EE memory on a single chip.

The ADCs consist of a primary ADC with two differential pairs or four single-ended channels and an auxiliary ADC with up to seven channels. The ADCs operate in single-ended or differential input mode. A single-channel buffered voltage output DAC is available on chip. The DAC output range is programmable to one of four voltage ranges.

