
Linear LT3511反激电源转换器解决方案

Linear公司的LT3511是绝缘反激型电源转换器,不需要第三个绕组或光隔离器.器件集成了240mA/150V功率开关,高压电路和控制电路.器件工作电压从4.5V到100V,绝缘输出功率高达2.5W,主要用在绝缘的通信电源,家用电器电源和工业,汽车与医疗设备电源.本文介绍了LT3511主要特性, 方框图,多种绝缘反激转换器应用电路和相应的元器件, 评估板电路图和料清单(BOM).

The LTspecifically designed for the isolated flyback topology. No third winding or opto-isolator is required for regulation as the part senses output voltage directly from the primary-side flyback waveform. The device integrates a 240mA, 150V power switch, high voltage circuitry, and control into a high voltage 16-lead MSOP package with four leads removed.

The LT3511 operates from an input voltage range of 4.5V to 100V and delivers up to 2.5W of isolated output power.

Two external resistors and the transformer turns ratio easily set the output voltage. Off-the-shelf transformers are available for several applications. The high level of integration and the use of boundary mode operation results in a simple, clean, tightly regulated application solution to the traditionally tough problem of isolated power delivery.


4.5V to 100V Input Voltage Range

Internal 240mA, 150V Power Switch

Boundary Mode Operation

