
Fairchild FAN6300A 90W电源适配器设计方案

Fairchild公司的FAN6300A/H是高度集成的准谐振PWM控制器,适用于反激电源转换器, FAN6300A工作频率可低于100kHz, FAN6300H工作频率可高达190kHz,具有高压起动和峰值电流模式控制,以及逐个周期的限流,主要用于AC/DC 笔记本电脑适配器和开架开关电源(SMPS).本文介绍了FAN6300A/H 主要特性, 功能方框图, 典型应用电路框图以及90W(19V/4.74A)适配器参考设计完整电路图和材料清单(BOM).

The highly integrated FAN6300A/H of PWM controller provides several features to enhance the performance of flyback converters. FAN6300A is applied on quasiresonant flyback converters where maximum operating frequency is below 100kHz. FAN6300H is suitable for high-frequency operation (up to 190kHz). A built-in HV startup circuit can provide more startup current to reduce the startup time of the controller. Once the VDD  voltage exceeds the turn-on threshold voltage, the HV startup function is disabled immediately to reduce power consumption. An internal valley voltage detector ensures power system operates at quasi-resonant operation over a wide-range of line voltage and any load conditions, as well as reducing switching loss to minimize switching voltage on drain of power MOSFET.

