
Silabs C8051F990超低功耗滑块解决方案

Silabs 公司的C8051F99x系列是超低功耗容性触摸传感的全集成混合信号系统级芯片(SoC)MCU,具有最低的功耗和最高的触摸灵敏度,广泛适用于容性按钮,滑块,容性接近检测等。C8051F99x系列采用8051兼容的微控制器核,性能高达25MIPS,具有在系统全速非破坏性的调试接口和带模拟复接器的10位300ksps或12位75ksps单端ADC,以及多达8kB的闪存和512B RAM,工作电压1.8到3.6 V,主要用在仪表盘,触摸屏,游戏系统,住宅区HVAC,家用电器,玩具,传真机/打印机/扫描仪面板和工业接口等。本文介绍了C8051F99x-C8051F98x主要亮点和特性,方框图和C8051F990滑块评估板主要特性与电路图。

C8051F99x-C8051F98x devices are fully integrated mixed-signal system-on-a-chip MCUs. Highlighted features are listed below.


Ultra low power consumption in active and sleep modes.

High-speed pipelined 8051-compatible microcontroller core (up to 25 MIPS)

In-system, full-speed, non-intrusive debug interface (on-chip)

10-bit 300 ksps or 12-bit 75 ksps single-ended ADC with analog multiplexer

6-bit programmable current reference (resolution can be increased with PWM)

Precision programmable 24.5 MHz internal oscillator with spread spectrum technology.

8 kB , 4 kB, or 2 kB of on-chip Flash memory

512 bytes of on-chip RAM

SMBus/I2C, Enhanced UART, and Enhanced SPI serial interfaces implemented in hardware

Four general-purpose 16-bit timers

