Silabs 公司的Si101x系列是集成了240-960MHz RF收发器的超低功耗无线MCU,专门为需要RF双向通信链接的低功耗嵌入系统而设计。RF收发器的最大发送功率为+13或20dBm,灵敏度为-121dBm,采用GSK,GFSK和OOK调制;Si1014和Si1015还集成了效率高达90%的DC/DC升压转换器,从而大大增加了电池寿命。单电源1.8V-3.6V工作,主要用在智能表,家庭三表监测,无线传感器,家庭和建筑物自动化,接入控制和医疗系统。本文介绍了Si101x主要特性,方框图,Si1000和Si1010开发板主要特性,硬件建立框图以及主板和子板电路图。
Si1010-A Ultra-Low Power 16 kB, 12-bit ADCMCU with Integrated 240–960 MHz Transceiver
The Si101x wireless MCU family offers the industry’s lowest power single-chip microcontroller with an integrated sub-GHz RF transceiver. This wireless MCU family is designed to address the specific requirements of low-power embedded systems requiring an RF bi-directional communication link for applications such as smart metering, in-home utility monitoring, wireless security panels, access control and home/building automation.
The Si10xx family has the industry’s lowest power consumption in all modes: active, sleep and deep sleep. This ultra-low-power consumption is achieved without any compromses in wireless transceiver performance. Having the lowest system power allows for longer battery life, higher product performance and lower system cost.