Holtek(盛群) 公司的HT16K23是 20x4/16x8 LCD控制驱动器,采用I2C串行式接口,内建显示内存及RC振荡电路,具有低功耗、高抗噪声及高系统ESD防护能力,工作电压宽2.4V~5.5V,减少主版MCU I/O数目、可降低产品整体成本。HT16K23适用于数字时钟、家电、音响、工业仪表等之LCD显示器的控制及驱动。本文介绍了HT16K23主要特性,方框图以及多种应用电路。
The HT16K23 is a memory mapping and multi-function LCD controller driver. The Max. display segment numbers in the device are 80 patterns (20 segments and 4 commons) or 128 patterns (16 segments and 8 commons). The Max. key scan circuits are 20*1 matrix or 16*1 matrix. The software configuration feature of the HT16K23 makes it suitable for multiple LCD applications including LCD modules and display subsystems. The HT16K23 supports a hardware interrupt using register setting.
The HT16K23 is compatible with most microcontrollers and communicates via a two-line bidirectional I2C-bus.
●●Logic voltage: 2.4~5.5V
●●Integrated RC oscillator
●●Various display modes
––Max. 20*4 patterns, 20 segments, 4 commons, 1/3 bias, 1/4 duty
––Max. 16*8 patterns, 16 segments, 8 commons, 1/4 bias, 1/8 duty
●●I2C-bus interface
●●Key scan function
––Max. 20*1 matrix key scanning in 20*4 display mode