Exar 公司的XRP7704是四路数字PWM降压DC/DC电源控制器,内置了用于待机和GPIO的LDO,提供了完整的电源管理,通过I2C串口进行编程。独立的数字脉宽调制器(DPWM)(开关频率从300 KHz 到1.5 MHz)通路调整输出电压以及所有的包括限流和过压保护等功能。输入电压从6.5V到20V,输出电压从0.9V到5.1V可编程主要用在服务器,存储系统,STB和游戏系统,工业的ATE,DC/DC转换器,视频处理和等离子显示屏以及网络和通信设备。本文介绍了XRP7704主要特性,方框图,四路应用电路图和标准应用板电路图和PCB布局图。
The XRP7704 is a quad-output pulse-width modulated (PWM) step-down DC-DC controller with a built-in LDO for standby power and GPIOs. The device provides a complete power management solution in one IC and is fully programmable via the included I2C serial interface. Independent Digital Pulse Width Modulator (DPWM) channels regulate output voltages and provide all required protection functions such as current limiting and over-voltage protection.
Each output voltage can be programmed from 0.9V to 5.1V without the need of an external voltage divider. The wide range of the programmable DPWM switching frequency (from 300 KHz to 1.5 MHz) enables the user to optimize between efficiency and component size. Input voltage range is from 6.5V to 20V.