TI 公司的UCC24610是5V系统的绿色整流控制器,当采用单独电源时LLC输出可高达15V,工作频率高达600kHz,VDS MOSFET电流检测,能从轻负载和睡眠模式中同步叫醒,主要用在AC/DC 5V适配器,5V偏压电源,低压整流电路和反激和LLC转换器。本文介绍了UCC24610主要特性,功能方框图,反激拓扑框图和LLC串联谐振转换器框图,以及变压器配置,自同步配置和电容配置的LLC串联谐振转换器电路图和相应的材料清单。
A 90-W, High-Efficiency, LLC Series-Resonant Converter with Secondary-Side Synchronous Rectification
The UCC24610 Green Rectifier Controller is optimized for 5-V systems and can be used for LLC outputs up to 15 V when a separate 5-V supply is available. Above 15 V the UCC24610 is limited by the 50-V maximum voltage rating of the VD pin. This is because in a conventional secondary rectifier arrangement, that employs two rectifiers with a center-tapped secondary winding, each rectifier sees a peak reverse voltage equal to twice the regulated output.