
Linear LTC3786效率98%同步升压电源控制方案

Linear 公司的LTC3786是高效率98%的同步升压电源控制器,不需要散热器.VIN输入电压从4.5V到38V,起动后工作电压低到2.5V,输出电压高达60V,基准电压1.2V±1%,用于同步MOSFET具有100%占空比能力.静态电流55uA,主要应用在工业和汽车电源,汽车起动系统,医疗设备和高压以电池为能源的系统.本文介绍了LTC 3786主要特性,方框图以及多种应用电路和相应的元器件.

The LTC3786 is a high performance synchronous boost converter controller that drives all N-channel power MOSFETs. Synchronous rectification increases efficiency, reduces power losses and eases thermal requirements, allowing the LTC3786 to be used in high power boost applications.

A 4.5V to 38V input supply range encompasses a wide range of system architectures and battery chemistries. When biased from the output of the boost converter or another auxiliary supply, the LTC3786 can operate from an input supply as low as 2.5V after start-up. The 55μA no-load quiescent current extends operating run time in battery-powered systems.

