
Silabs Si824x D类音频放大器参考设计方案

Silabs公司的Si824x系列是两路隔离的驱动器,输入和输出以及输出间绝缘,峰值电流为0.5 A (Si8241)和4.0 A (Si8244) ,最大音频功率30W,工作最高电压为24V, Si824x还集成了死区发生器,以获得最佳的THD,主要用在D类音频放大器.本文介绍了Si824x主要特性,方框图, D类音频放大器方框图,半桥音频应用框图以及Si824x D类音频放大器参考设计电路图和材料清单(BOM).

The Si824x isolated driver family combines two isolated drivers in a single package. The Si8241/44 are high-side/low-side drivers specifically targeted at high-power (>30 W) audio applications. Versions with peak output currents of 0.5 A (Si8241) and 4.0 A (Si8244) are available. All drivers operate with a maximum supply voltage of 24 V.

Based on Silicon Labs’proprietary isolation technology, the Si824x audio drivers incorporate input-to-output and output-to-output isolation, which enables leveltranslation
of signals without additional external circuits as well as use of bipolar supply voltage up to ±750 V. The Si824x audio drivers feature an integrated deadtime generator that provides highly precise control for achieving optimal THD.

